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    What You Should Do After a Car Accident

    By Buckman and Buckman, P.A. on April 10, 2018 | In Car Accidents

    Getting into a car accident can be a scary event. A lot happens in the blink of an eye. When it’s over, you are left dazed, disoriented and possibly injured. That is why you need to make sure that you will be prepared in the event that you get into a crash. Our Sarasota auto accident lawyers encourage you to consider the following tips:

    At the Scene of the Crash

    When you are in a car crash, your first thoughts will be on getting help and making sure your passengers are OK. This is exactly what you should do. However, if possible, you should try to take a few additional steps that will help to protect your right to full and fair compensation down the road:

    • Call for help. Make sure you call 911 after an accident of any kind. The police will need to document the crash and secure the scene. Also, it is a good idea to get medical personnel to the scene as soon as possible.
    • Check on everyone’s condition. Can everyone breathe? Is anyone bleeding? Is there a fire, downed electrical lines or any other hazards that require you to get away from the vehicles?
    • Do not admit fault. You will want to exchange contact information with the other driver. Do not let the driver leave before the police arrive. However, you should avoid making any statements that could be construed as admissions of liability. Just be polite, swap information and wait for the police.
    • Take photos. If you are too injured to take photos, ask a passenger or even a bystander to take photos for you. Try to get photos that document the scene, the wreckage and anything else that could helpt to illustrate the crash.
    • Get witness information. Witnesses will not stay on the scene for very long. They may leave as soon as the police arrive. You should do your best to get their names and phone numbers before they leave.

    After You Leave the Scene of the Crash

    During the days, weeks and months after the crash, you will have a lot to deal with. Here are a few key points to remember after you leave the scene of the accident:

    • Immediately seek medical care. It is extremely important that you go to the hospital. You should see a doctor within the first 24 to 48 hours after the crash occurs. If you don’t get emergency medical care, you will endanger your health. You will also give the insurance company a good reason to argue that you weren’t actually hurt in the accident or hurt as badly as you claim. If you suffer complications from the crash, make sure you get a referral to the right kind of health care provider to help you get the relief you need. Make sure to follow the doctor’s treatment plan.
    • Do not talk to insurance adjusters. Many people feel compelled to answer the phone and talk to insurance adjusters. Additionally, adjusters are trained to get you talking. They know all the right words to use, such as, “I’d like to hurry up and get you paid on this so I can close my file.” They want you to give a statement (and then try to use it against you). Do your best to keep it simple: Tell the adjuster that you cannot talk until you meet with a lawyer first.
    • Do not give access to your medical records. If an insurance adjuster asks you to sign a form that permits the insurer to access your medical records, politely decline. The adjuster may tell you that the company needs access “just to confirm your medical bills.” However, in reality, the adjuster will use your medical records to look for ways to deny or minimize your claim. For instance, the adjuster may claim that you had a pre-existing condition or that the car accident did not cause your injuries. Simply put: Don’t give access to your medical records.
    • Talk with a car accident lawyer right away. Don’t wait too long to call a car accident attorney. The earlier you have someone working on your case, the better off you will be in the long run. An experienced attorney will follow your medical treatment, track your progress, review important documents from the insurance company and negotiate to help you to pursue a full and fair settlement.
    • Keep your lawyer up-to-date on your progress. Make sure that you let your lawyer know how you are doing. While your attorney will probably check in on you as well, it is your responsibility to let the attorney know if you have changed doctors, moved, changed your phone number or received any documents or other helpful information that could be relevant to your case.
    • Do not talk about your crash or case on social media. You should avoid discussing your crash, your condition or your legal case on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. An insurance company will try to take anything you say on social media and use it against you.

    Our Sarasota Car Accident Lawyers Are Ready to Help You

    Your chances of being in a crash are pretty high in Florida.  In 2016 alone, 668,699 drivers were involved in crashes, according to data from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. These crashes resulted in 3,176 deaths and 21,645 incapacitating physical injuries.

    The steps we outlined above should help you to make good decisions from the very beginning of your case. We encourage you to follow those steps and be careful about your actions as you move forward after an accident and pursue the compensation you deserve.

    To learn more about what you should do after a car accident, call Buckman & Buckman, P.A. We are a family-owned law firm with decades of experience serving clients in Sarasota and throughout South Florida. Contact us today and let us provide you with a free consultation about your case.


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