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    North Port Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

    Contact a North Port motorcycle accident lawyer today.For more than 20 years, the attorneys of Buckman & Buckman, P.A., have fought to protect the rights of those who suffer serious injuries throughout North Port and all of Sarasota County. In particular, motorcycle accidents often cause devastating damages, leaving families without income and with piles of debt from expensive medical care. If someone else is responsible for the injuries, they should be held accountable.

    If you recently suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident that another driver’s negligence caused, or if you lost a loved one in a crash, contact us today. We will review your case and discuss your legal rights and options in a free consultation.

    What Causes Motorcycle Crashes in North Port?

    Traffic volume can be very high in North Port, and because of our wonderful Florida weather, many choose to ride their motorcycles year-round. Unfortunately, not all motor vehicle riders know how to share the road safely with motorcyclists. Here are a few of the scenarios that we often see at Buckman & Buckman:

    • Left-turn intersection crashes. When a motorcycle is proceeding through an intersection, it takes up less space and is less visible than a typical passenger car. So, many oncoming car drivers completely fail to acknowledge the rider. Cars often turn left at an intersection and cut off the motorcyclist.
    • Buzzing/passing. Infuriating as it may be for experienced motorcyclists, many motor vehicle drivers fail to respect their right to share the road. They may try to pass within the same lane as a motorcycle and may fly by a motorcyclist within inches of the rider. Sometimes, they get so close that they “clip” the bike or its rider. If it were a car, the damages would be minimal. But for a rider and passenger, the contact can be deadly.
    • Laying down the bike. Cars often pull right out in front of motorcycles as if they were not even there. This leaves the rider with just a second or two to choose between striking a solid object at full speed and likely being killed or seriously injured or laying down the motorcycle and risking road rash, burns, broken bones, and a host of other excruciating injuries. It’s not much of a choice. Many insurance companies will even try to blame the motorcyclist for laying down the bike – even where the other driver is clearly to blame.

    At Buckman & Buckman, we respect motorcyclists and know that riding on fewer wheels does not give you fewer rights on the road. If another driver hurt you in any of the above scenarios or under other circumstances, we will protect your rights and fight for all compensation you are due.

    What Are Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries in North Port?

    Given the lack of protection to shield riders and their passengers from impact, motorcycle injuries are usually more severe than in other accidents. Some of the injuries that motorcyclists commonly suffer in North Port accidents are:

    • Head trauma. With or without a helmet, motorcyclists often suffer a wide range of head injuries, from concussions and more severe traumatic brain injuries (TBI) to fractured skulls and open head wounds.
    • Back and spine. When a motorcyclist slams against hard cement or a vehicle, no amount of gear can protect the rider from suffering injuries. Many of our firm’s clients have suffered from bulging discs, herniations and even spinal cord damage which result in lifelong disabilities.
    • Burns and road rash. When a rider goes down, the bike often continues to drag the rider for hundreds of feet. In some cases, just the momentum of a collision sends an unseated rider or passenger grinding across hundreds of feet of concrete, leaving permanent burns and scars.
    • Because of how motorcycle collisions happen, a lot of riders experience broken bones. Commonly this will be a lower extremity injury such as a broken leg or ankle.
    • Soft tissue injuries. Not all injuries involve broken bones. Some cause torn or strained muscles and ligaments. Things like rotator cuff injuries are also common.
    • Internal organ. Puncture wounds are also a common type of injury among motorcyclists. Even closed wounds can lead to serious internal injuries and bleeding due to blunt force trauma.

    A North Port motorcycle injury lawyer at Buckman & Buckman can work closely with you and your doctors to make sure you get the care and treatment you need while, at the same time, keeping pressure on the insurance company to pay the full value of your claim.

    My highest recommendation and gratitude to the firm of Buckman & Buckman. Their generous reliability and core knowledge is truly valuable. Complex legal issues are strategically and efficiently handled. Communication was always prompt, and always my needs were a priority. Competency in cost-benefit analysis resulted in my receiving appropriate compensation. During the procedure, I experienced the highest ethical standards. This firm is truly superior in all regards. — Client

    How Can Our Lawyers Help After a North Port Motorcycle Accident?

    A North Port motorcycle injury attorney from Buckman & Buckman will carefully investigate the facts of your case and establish how the other driver caused the crash.  We understand that some cases require specialized knowledge from other fields. We often work with experienced medical experts and crash reconstruction specialists to determine how an accident happened and the effect on our clients. We will advance all of these costs and will not charge any legal fees unless we secure compensation for you.

    Motorcycle Accident


    Motorcycle Accident Settlement

    Settlement for a motorcycle client who suffered multiple fractures due to the negligence of a driver.

    Motorcycle Accident


    Motorcycle Accident Settlement

    Settlement obtained on behalf of motorcycle rider who suffered a collarbone fracture and head injury due to a careless driver.

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